
Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci didn't just paint and draw masterpieces… he sketched them. What amazes me the most about his art was his constant learning process behind each major work. I love the notes he would take on each study of the human body, or whatever it was he wanted to depict. The devotion to his craft brought out real emotion and a personal experience that not only he got to feel, but his viewers as well. I want that effect in my pieces—depth, emotion, value.


These are photos from Vivid in Sydney, Australia. This 19 day festival inspires me in the fact that artists took what they were passionate about—what they loved to do—and shared it with an entire city. Not just once did they share it, but each year they do and each year it is different and thrives in new ways. Having gifts is one thing, using them is another. Allowing what's inside of you to impact the world in a great, fulfilling way... yeah, it definitely inspires me.

Molly Kaderka

 "My paintings and drawings are the results of an earnest desire to create beauty and meaning.  Through the blending of realism with idealism, the unifying of the personal with the universal, and the infusion of the everyday with the fantastic, my work depicts worlds that are based in reality, but exist as reverie." 
This is a paragraph of Molly's artist statement. I find her exploration of art to be beautiful and authentic and I identify very much with how she is set out to observe the world and portray what she finds in her own personal way of seeing. For more info on Molly check out her website:
Here are some of her paintings as well:

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