Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Push and Pull

In the Life Drawing studio, we have been focusing on capturing the "push and pull" of the body. Push and Pull has to do with the movement of the body as a round figure that both drifts into space (creating valleys or pits) and becomes prominent in space (being the forward or most vivid figure). Push and pull goes beyond just drawing the outlines of the body, but demands a closer look to show what it is the body does and how it interacts with space.
I have discovered that I love this practice of capturing the human form, because not only am I practicing effort in skill that I already have, but effort in the knowledge of what is really happening. It challenges me to go beyond what I know and experience what I see with truth and patient seeking. If I go too fast I will miss something; I have to clinch the process knowing speed isn't the point... destination is.

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